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About Lake Anchor

About Me

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  • HeartMath Certified Personal Resilience Mentor
  • FHLC Certified Holistic Life Coach
  • FHLC Certified Seminar Leader

Dear Fellow Explorer,


Father/provider, tradesman, corporate executive, musician, government consultant, waiter, Desert Storm veteran; I've worn all these hats and many more. I have lived in nearly a dozen states from coast to coast.


I've spent thousands of hours and tens of thousands of dollars learning how to navigate some deep internal challenges including lifelong PTSD. This included traditional psychotherapy, counseling, along with countless alternative and "new age" protocols.


Of all the tools for personal growth I've learned and experimented with over four decades, I feel that the HeartMath techniques and tools, along with the Life Coaching methods of the Foundation for Holistic Life Coaching (founded by Alan Cohen), are the most effective for rapid transformation at the deepest level.

I am confident that these methods, combined with my total commitment to truly helping you, will empower, enable, and inspire you to find the wisdom and clarity within you to make any change you want in your life.


I have reached a point in my life where it is no longer a 'nice idea' to help others grow and to help ease their pain; it is a life calling and undeniable sense of purpose. 


In short; I want to make my life better by helping you make yours better.

I hope we have the opportunity to tap into your innate wisdom together. I appreciate you, and I am here when you're ready.


Sincerely yours,

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